In My Father's House

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In My Father's House

Anthem Information

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"In my Father's house you will find a place in the warm embrace of an open door."  A song of comfort and reflective of the meaning of "sanctuary," this lyric beauty welcomes all those who enter the Lord's house as a place of comfort, love, and peace.  Include children's choir, or a small women's group on the opening measures for even greater effect.  Very nicely done!

Editor review

1 review

In My Father's House
(Updated: November 18, 2018)
Overall rating 
Choral Integrity 
Textual Quality 
Audience Response 
This piece is profound in its simplicity. A simple melody with a small amount of well-written 4-pt harmony may mislead us to believe it is an easy little song for very small choirs, while nothing could be further from the truth. This reviewer knows from experience just how deeply this text affects those who sing it and hear it. "In my Father's house, prodigals come home, no one walks alone, come and enter in." It reminds us all that no matter how far we stray from Him, God welcomes us home, and love flows freely.

There are many incredibly effective options for programming this piece, such as utilizing a solo child or children's choir for the first verse, with all ladies joining for the 2-part phrase, then returning to the child(ren) for the completion of the first verse. The entire choir could enter for the 2nd verse, then possibly returning to a child for the final phrase. Regardless of the creative weaving of voices or if sung by full choir entirely through, this gem will speak a message that cannot be missed by anyone in the room.

The Bottom Line

Super teachable, yet profound meaning
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