The Final Hours, A Suite for Holy Week

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The Final Hours, A Suite for Holy Week

Anthem Information

Year Published

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Catalog No.

Create a moving worship experience for your church and community with The Final Hours. Three anthems are woven together with the spoken word, focusing on Christ's final earthly hours. Perfect for a Good Friday service, or performed as separate anthems during Holy Week, this suite is easily prepared and presented. Add the optional flute, cello, and single handbell to enhance the presentation. A great choice for smaller choirs or when time to prepare a larger work is limited. It will surely bring your congregation to a place of reverence, inspiration, and celebration. Titles include: As the Sun Rose in the Sky; The Darkest Hours and Surely This Was God's Own Son.

Editor review

1 review

The Final Hours
Overall rating 
Choral Integrity 
Textual Quality 
Audience Response 
While this is no "feel good" musical, this short work would be an easily rehearsed prepared suite for a solemn Good Friday service, perfect for a choir that is simultaneously at work preparing music for a celebratory Easter service or concert. It would be equally suitable for adult, youth or combined choirs, and it (appropriately) ends before the Resurrection in light of the Good Friday message. The womens' parts are divided SSA almost throughout while men are split TB.
Flute (or other C instrument) adds much to the performance and a single handbell chimes the 9th hour dramatically before the first word is spoken or the first note is played.

Ideally, this suite could be performed cover to cover by candlelight, in near darkness, without any other speaking at all, asking the audience (via media and in the printed program) to exit quietly in reverence to the sacrifice which took place at the Crucifixion.

The Bottom Line

Useful as a Good Friday service or as single anthems.
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