I Choose Love

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I Choose Love

Anthem Information

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In the midst of pain, of war, of brokenness... we choose love. We choose community. What better way to share this message than through powerful song...  and that's exactly what you'll find in this anthem for SATB voices. This soulful anthem, written in response to the tragic events that occurred at Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina in 2015, is a testament to the power of forgiveness and peace. Appropriate for general use or as a memorial, this beautifully written piece begins with a solo, then rises to a full choral statement that returns to a solo for the close. Highly recommended!

Editor review

1 review

I Choose Love
Overall rating 
Choral Integrity 
Textual Quality 
Audience Response 
A calm, almost droning piano accompaniment is purposefully deflecting the attention to a simple and profound text. With a solo, unison, and simple harmonic interest, do not judge this book by its cover. While it may not require months of preparation, it has precisely the depth of contemplation needed in difficult and unfair times. It was dedicated to the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC in the face of the tragedy that occurred there in 2015. It is perfect for a memorial service or any time tragic events require us to live our faith in the face of grief.

The Bottom Line

This very teachable anthem has a simple statement of a profound text.
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