Building Student Community


Insights from renowned experts and clinicians focused on the needs of youth choir directors
How are you doing?     Part One

How are you doing? Part One

Here we are in July 2020, at a place none of us could have fully imagined this time last year. It’s not just the pandemic itself that is difficult; it’s also the seemingly countless areas of fallout caused by the virus: Isolation. Unemployment for some. Uncertainty....

Bubble Gum Challenge

Bubble Gum Challenge

I hope your fall is off to a great start with your choir(s). There are new singers in your group and many veterans as well. Time to mix them up a bit so they can get to know each other a little better. Singing in a choir for young people is, first and foremost, all...

“Knowing a person is like music…

“Knowing a person is like music…

what attracts us to them is their melody, and as we get to know who they are, we learn about the harmony, rhythm and lyric that makes them unique."As you begin to plan for your fall and the anticipation of working with new singers in your choirs, it's important that...

Stay Awake and Boogie! Retreat

March Greetings! Spring is on it's way. I know it can be hard to look ahead to plan for the fall but school and parent calendars are always 6 to 9 months ahead so we have to be as well. With that in mind, are you looking for an out-of-the-box beginning of the year...

Lessons from Geese – Part 2

I don’t know how you feel about the fall season, but for me, living in South Dakota in the fall can be delightful for many reasons.  Not only does the weather provide us with warm days and crisp, cool nights, the smell of harvested grains as you drive by a dried...